An article, co-written by ScrumCenter founders Christoph Mathis and Simon Roberts, describing the Scrum transition at Allianz Deutschland AG, is now available for free download thanks to an agreement with SIGS-DATACOM GmbH.
The article, co-written by Gerhard Hastreiter (Allianz Deutschland AG), Chistoph Mathis (ScrumCenter GmbH) and Simon Roberts (ScrumCenter GmbH), first appeared in the January 2009 edition of ObjektSpektrum and can be found here.
2 Responses
Simon, the link you provide gives me a 404 – strangely saying that error page 404 cannot be found:
Configuration Error: 404 page “/home/www/p109351/html/errorpages/404_error.shtml” could not be found.
Nevertheless, I cannot access the document you are referring to.
Sorry sigs changed the URL. I’ve now updated this post with the new URL